The PLEX Elite has an inbuilt montaging program, which guides users to take images from the central, superotemporal, superonasal, inferonasal, and inferotemporal quadrants in sequence. The transverse-mounted style can save space and enables the examiner to monitor the patient’s position easily. Additionally, the PLEX Elite and Cirrus are transverse-mounted devices as compared to the other devices, which are face-to-face. The benefits of quick scanning include patient comfort, clinic efficiency, and easier rescanning if necessary. The image acquisition time on these two devices is quicker (~10 seconds, even for 12 x 12 images for the PLEX Elite), as is the processing time. Similar to the RS-3000 Advance, the Cirrus 5000 (spectral domain platform) and PLEX Elite 9000 (swept source platform) by Carl Zeiss Meditec also use a scanning laser ophthalmoscope (SLO) so that the fundus can be visualized scan specific areas.
Moreover, the Nidek software allows overlay of microperimetry data (from the MP-3) onto the OCTA images and fundus images, and therefore allows correlation of functional testing and OCT/OCTA imaging ( Figure 4). This system does incorporate a scanning laser ophthalmoscope (SLO) to display the fundus, which assists with accurate anatomic tracking. However, the scan speed is slower than the other OCT devices (53,000 A-scan/sec) so it takes relatively longer to acquire the images. The merit of this device is that the OCTA functionality can be additionally installed with a software update. The RS-3000 Advance (Nidek) is a spectral-domain (SD) OCT machine. However, even with two scans, image acquisition is rapid. The Avanti requires two scans (X-fast and Y-fast) to create the motion-corrected images. This device also features a dual correction system that utilizes software-based as well as tracking-based image correction. Recent updates to the Avanti system include higher scanning density (400 x 400) on the 4.5 x 4.5-mm and 6 x 6-mm scans, and the addition of an automatic montage protocol (macula and disc area).

It is convenient for clinicians to have access to such analytic software on the device itself-the alternative is to rely on more complicated external software. In addition, flow areas, such as CNV area, can be measured manually. The area and perimeter of the FAZ are also automatically measured. Vessel density can be automatically calculated within the sectors of the ETDRS grid and easily compared to the retinal thickness ( Figure 3). Prominent features of the Avanti include the built-in software “AngioAnalytics,” which is useful in analyzing vessel densities and the foveal avascular zone (FAZ). The Avanti has an established track record of reliability for clinical and research use. Numerous scientific papers using this device have been published. It leads the pack in being the only device currently with vessel quantification software. The RTVue XR Avanti (Optovue) was one of the first commercially available OCTA devices. The individual characteristics of each OCTA device are described and discussed below. However, some limitations include their expense as well as some inherent production challenges of swept source lasers. Generally speaking, swept-source (SS)-OCTA systems have the advantage of wider field-of-view imaging. We can also analyze the status of chorioretinal vasculature quantitatively using unique software for each device, especially in the macula.
All devices nicely visualize choroidal neovascularization (CNV), one of the biggest benefits of OCTA ( Figure 2), although manual adjustment of the segmentation is sometimes necessary. For images with a typical field of view (~6 mm) centered on the macula, all OCTA devices can clearly identify superficial and deep retinal vasculatures as well as the choriocapillaris. The table below lists and compares the specs of each OCTA device. Here are the units that we review in this piece: We hope this article will help in the assessment of your OCTA needs. In this article, we discuss the characteristics of each OCTA device and their clinical utility.

Most OCT manufacturers have released their own OCTA systems ( Figure 1) and are constantly continuing to improve them. OCTA is now utilized throughout the world, and we believe that it will become a part of routine clinical examination in the near future. OCT angiography (OCTA) technology has developed rapidly with dramatic improvements in scanning speed, motion contrast imaging, and automatic layer segmentation to allow examination of the perfusion status of the retina and choroid noninvasively. Research Fellow, Tufts New England Eye CenterĪssistant Professor, Asahikawa Medical UniversityĪssociate Professor, Tufts New England Eye Center