
Tortoisehg personal tag
Tortoisehg personal tag

tortoisehg personal tag

I'm sort of a revision history hoarder, so this wasn't going to work.


In the case of Subversion, the Bitbucket importer currently only takes an export of the working copy of your trunk code base, so you won't have any of your revision history in your new repo. When creating a new repo at Bitbucket, you have two options: you can create an empty repo, or import from an existing repo from (currently) one of the following sources: CodePlex, Git/GitHub, Google Code, Mercurial, SourceForge, Subversion. It supports Git and Mercurial, probably the two most popular DVCSs today, and since I had some previous experience with Mercurial and use it every day at my current job, I opted for that. To do that, I setup a Stack Overflow Careers profile which acts as a resume with links to my StackExchange network profiles and projects on any of the major cloud-based source control services.īitbucket, hosted by Atlassian, provides free hosting for any number of repos, private or public, provided you stick to 5 or fewer total committers. I've been doing source control of personal projects on my own Subversion server for several years, but lately I've gotten interested in making some of it available so that perspective employers can see examples of my work.

Tortoisehg personal tag